Internet pastors, IT councelers, webjournalists and webmasters of European Churches will be gathering in Rome tomorrow for the XVII European Christian Internet Conference. The main aim of the ECIC is to maintain a network of Christians working with Information and Communication Technology who can act as a resource and support for each other as well as for their own churches. Here is the program.

I’ll be a keynote speaker and I’m going to talk about “Exploring the links: Christian Spirituality and Digital Environment” on June 12th at 4pm (on Vatican Radio place). This is the content of my speech:

1. Cyberspace mirrors our desire for the divine

2. Apps & Faith

  • Decoding God in all information: wireless service, push technology,…
  • It’s the Grace a «open» gift?: File sharing, Open Source, Freebie,..

3. Spirituality is a kind of inner hacking



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