cybersitoCome affrontare il tema della spiritualità al tempo della Rete?

In questo libro rifiuto l’opinione comune che non ci sia spazio per essa in un mondo tecnologizzato.

E tuttavia affermo che è necessario capire come la frequentazione dell’ambiente digitale e anche l’uso di strumenti tecnologici in maniera oggi sempre più naturale abbiano un impatto sul modo in cui l’uomo vive la propria spiritualità e la propria vita di fede. Cerco quindi di individuare alcune questioni chiave, particolarmente rilevanti, partendo proprio dall’uso comune di alcune «applicazioni» e tecnologie.

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This book is available also in ENGLISH

How to deal with the question of spirituality in the age of the internet? The popular opinion that there is no space for spirituality in the technologized world is clearly refuted. Nevertheless we live a time in which the logic of the Net influences the way we think, learn, communicate and maybe believe and pray as well.

Here I try to identify some key issues that seem particularly relevant, starting with the popular use of certain applications and technologies.


«Technology is the organization of matter according to a conscious human design, and therefore, belongs to man’s spiritual being. We are called upon to understand its very nature as it relates to spiritual life.

Obviously, technology remains ambiguous because man’s freedom can just as easily serve evil, but it is exactly this possibility that highlights how technology’s very nature is intrinsically linked to a world of possibilities regarding the spirit.»


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